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Результаты поиска

  1. hrsgeorgiev

    Добавление своего моба

    U cant without source!
  2. hrsgeorgiev

    Revision [3.7]

    ...and also if this dude was killing epic raid bosses with gm char from teleport without a quest. It's possible to get it like this.
  3. hrsgeorgiev

    Установка и запуск сборки RUSaCis (Первичная настройка и запуск сервера)

    #============================================================= # Логин сервер #============================================================= # Это передается клиентам, поэтому это должнен быть IP или разрешаемое имя хоста Hostname = Add Your IP#...
  4. hrsgeorgiev

    Help with buffer skill cast

    Work perfect dude. Thx you much !!!
  5. hrsgeorgiev

    Help with buffer skill cast

    Hello guys who know what me need to change in code to use buff with cast animation like this: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG930nITPB0
  6. hrsgeorgiev

    Revision [3.7]

    It works for me without this problem. I'm with the basic interlude interface. It's probably something from your interface.
  7. hrsgeorgiev

    Квест Black Swan (Черный Лебедь)

    Try to pass the quest with a normal character and without giving yourself the items from the admin character. I had the same problem, but when I tried to pass the quest without the help of the admin hero, everything worked normally.
  8. hrsgeorgiev

    Удалены верхние кнопки в КБ.

    Also, when I install this interface.xdat I can't use anything I've ordered on the skill bar with the keyboard.
  9. hrsgeorgiev

    Удалены верхние кнопки в КБ.

    This happens when I teleport to giran and try to reopen the community board.
  10. hrsgeorgiev

    Kerberos authentication fail

    I mean config in login and gameserver
  11. hrsgeorgiev

    Kerberos authentication fail

    Yes, the problem is the same. I also struggled for 3 days but only now I understood where it was coming from. In older versions, they replace the settings from Russian to English and there was no problem, but in 3.7 this is a problem. If you work with the Russian settings, this problem is gone...
  12. hrsgeorgiev

    Kerberos authentication fail

    something like that? https://imgbb.com/rdmvzY1
  13. hrsgeorgiev

    Revision [3.7]

    Perfect work! It's worth it.
  14. hrsgeorgiev

    Multi Lang Patch

  15. hrsgeorgiev

    Что хотите видеть в сборке?

    Dude, first of all, I don't have a problem! Second, this is not an official server, and third, this is just such a section for the wishes of the players. And only Sanya decides whether it will come true! Your comment is redundant!Your suggestion is absurd. You have to die at least 100 times...
  16. hrsgeorgiev

    Что хотите видеть в сборке?

    It's about when you're with a normal character, so that, for example, if you're a spoiler and you only need to be level 20-28, you can get a level back in that range. From a lot of farm, you will raise more than that range and you have to make a new character until you exceed the level again...
  17. hrsgeorgiev

    Что хотите видеть в сборке?

    1) Automatic Come back to spot for Raid Boss, so nobody could broke and bug them. Configurable from ini (radius off spot)do you mean something like that?View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiaWuB1FLg8
  18. hrsgeorgiev

    Что хотите видеть в сборке?

    View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qF0cLBv_S4w&pp=ygUUU2lzdGVtIGFpbyBidWZmIHNob3A%3DIf you have something like this in mind it would be great if it was implemented in 3.7
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